Sniper Fest 2011

More than 50 law enforcement snipers from about 15 agencies convened at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Range on Thrusday and Friday this week for two days of training and competition. Officer Mike Puente of the MCSO is responsible for organizing the competition, inviting the agencies, and securing sponsorship.

The Rapid Deployment / Unorthodox Positions course forced snipers away from the prone position and made them shoot with an increased heart rate at a variety of targets. Many of the shooters said this was very difficult and some of the most beneficial work of the two days.

The temperature was a mild 74 degrees, with a slight south wind. Perfect weather to hit a target the size of a coffee mug at 300 yards.


Close-quarter combatives while protecting a sniper’s rifle was also covered.


The final event of the day required shooters to draw five different-colored chips that designated the order in which they were to engage their targets. The shooter then grabbed his weapon system, sprinted 200 yards, and tried to remember what order he pulled the chips out.


It was a fun two days of shooting.


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